How To Remove Blackheads At Your Home

Blackheads can be a pain in the rear and it can put a damper on your confidence level. But don’t fret, for we’ve got you covered! Here are 6 natural remedies to remove those nasty blackheads with aggravating your skin condition.

1. Tomato
Tomatoes are packed with antiseptic properties and are effective in unclogging your pores! Mash a tomato and add a few drops of olive oil into the mixture if you have dry skin. Apply it all over your nose and if possible, leave it overnight. Rinse it off after 15 minutes or the next morning and voila, say hello to blemish-free nose!

2. Lemon and Honey
The benefits of lemon and honey are endless. They are known for curing acne, aiding in weight control and basically, it’s the secret behind every gorgeous girl. Well, you’ll be glad to know that lemon and honey can solve your blackhead issues too! Squeeze half a lemon into a small bowl and add one tablespoon of honey and a dash of salt, and stir the mixture well. Apply it all over your blackheads and leave it to dry before washing it off with warm water! Trust us, you won’t regret trying this!

3. Egg white
Using egg whites and applying it all over your blackheads will help to dry it out and tighten your pores at the same time. Apply a thin layer over your blackheads and let it dry before applying a second layer. Do it a couple of times, letting the layer dry in between the applications. Once you’ve applied four or five layers, you’re ready to peel those little suckers out.  Applying the leftover egg yolk on your face as a moisturizing mask will leave your face super soft and smooth!

4. Oatmeal and Yogurt
Oatmeal and yogurt don’t just make for a delicious breakfast, but the combo can be a lifesaver for acne or blackhead problems. Mix two parts oatmeal and three parts yogurt to create a paste. Squeeze a few drops of lemon and apply it on your blackheads for about 20 minutes. Wash it off with warm water, exfoliating gently as you do so.

5. Toothpaste
You heard us right – toothpaste is actually effective in removing blackheads. And, of course, it is the most accessible one (unless you brush your teeth with some secret recipe). Just apply a thin layer of toothpaste on your blackheads and wait till it dries. Gently exfoliate your skin and the blackheads will dislodge with the toothpaste. Rinse with warm water and you’re good to go.

6. Corn and Vinegar
These ingredients that you can find in every household have an amazing effect on the skin. To create this wonderful mask, mix two tablespoons of corn flour with two teaspoons of vinegar. Apply the paste on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. You will see that this is one of the most effective solutions to get rid of blackheads.

If you follow these instructions then you might see the wondering result. Best of luck.